Hello! If you've come across this blog, you probably already know who I am. If not, the name's Billy and I have a little obsession with the written word. Whether I am writing to inspire, to entertain, or to allow my creative juices to flow, I have always found comfort in taking a pen to a piece of paper and allow the ink to give life to something incredible with every movement of my fingers (or in this case, the flow of my taps on the keys in front of me).
After being freed from my undergraduate career a few months ago and obtaining my long sought after Bachelor of Arts in English, I have decided to create this blog so I can actually write something for myself, rather than for my professors, some of which required a ridiculous amount of analyzing and writing. Whether I was critiquing "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," fighting with "Beowulf," or becoming entrapped within the text of Sarah Ruhl's "Passion Play," I have spent the past four years writing for others, with no chance of expressing myself.
As life progresses, I will use this blog to write! Whether you'll be reading my thoughts, charities that I have fallen in love with, hearing about the play I am currently working on, or just whatever I feel like writing down, this blog will become my way of expressing myself to the world. You might find some entertainment from the stories I decide to write down, or even become inspired by the charity work I am doing, or that others are doing. You might even, if you choose, be able to track the progress of the play I am currently working on. If you have the time, why not follow me? You'll never know what you will walk away with. :-)
I guess that's enough for my introduction for now. Anyway, hey world, it's me!
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