Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dear Lindsay

Although the media has increasingly aggravated me for the past few years with the reports considered to be a top priority for the general population, I have become severely infuriated by the vast amount of coverage surrounding Lindsay Lohan and her sentencing.  For the reason that I do believe every human being should be allowed access to help when needed, I do pray that Lindsay finds her way out of the mess of a life she has created for herself.  Whether she finds it in rehab, or through the comfort of family and friends, I do hope she can better her life.  However, the decisions she has made in her life do not influence mine, nor do I particularly care about them.  

With the world in the current state that it is in, it sickens me that so many people are captivated by celebrity drama when there are so many helpless people that are in desperate need of another's help and attention.  What I know about the Lindsay drama I only know from skimming newspapers or through conversations I have overheard in restaurants and other public places.  Other than what I "learn" from other people, I have no interest in what Lindsay is doing.  Anytime I go out and about Long Island, I spot social injustices that should be covered by the media, but aren't because "nobody would care."  Guess what world, there are people who care.  There are people who want to make a difference.

Did you know that everyday, 5700 people lose their lives to HIV/AIDS?  Right, I forgot, Kanye just accessed Twitter.  Forgive me for my mistake.

Well, did you know that 90,000 people die every year waiting for organ transplants?  Ooops, completely forgot that Tiger Woods got caught cheating.

Alright, one more, any idea that 17 million American children go to bed hungry because of either lack of funds or a lack of access to food?  Or did some celebrity couple just break up?

Correct me if I am wrong, but is it not our duty as human beings to care for those that make up the global community?  To treat every human with dignity, care, and respect?  I do not know where you stand with this, but I find helping others, whether locally or globally, to be much more rewarding than stressing over whether or not Lindsay Lohan will actually serve her sentence.  And I would say that a simple solution would be for people to just turn off their television sets and focus on what really matters, but the media controls so much of our life that we are hit with something trivial everywhere we look!  

My suggestion?  Do your own research on what is happening around you.  Go out and see the world for yourself; stop living through what journalists and news reporters are telling you.  Realize your role in the human race and start doing your part.  The world would be a much better place if people began to focus on what actually matters.  In fact, this wouldn't be such a problem if celebrities backed out of the limelight or used their "time to shine" to discuss important issues, and not who they are currently dating.

I'll leave off with this:

Dear Lindsay,

I mean no disrespect, but get your life together.  I have no sympathy for you.  You live through your fame, if you can even call it that anymore..  You screwed up, and your star status should not grant you a "get out of jail free" card, nor does it mean you are any more important in this global community than I am.  But despite all of your problems, I do not think I am better than you.  Please realize that everything you do is being watched and influencing young children who can easily be swayed to follow your... choice of life.  Step out of the limelight and give it to somebody who needs it.  Millions of people are going to die today because of various wars, illnesses, etc.  You, and every other celebrity who cannot seem to get their life together, would be making a great difference if you stopped trying to get the world to care about your trivial matters.  Lindsay, I'll pray for you, but start thinking of the rest of the world and the people whose survival depends on their fifteen minutes of fame.  Turn your life around, and help others to do the same.  Stop complaining that you have to go to jail or to rehab, because, even if you do not see it, there are millions of people who have it worse than you.  Stop looking for pity, grow up, and fix yourself.


Friday, July 30, 2010

Hey World, It's Me!

Hello!  If you've come across this blog, you probably already know who I am.  If not, the name's Billy and I have a little obsession with the written word.  Whether I am writing to inspire, to entertain, or to allow my creative juices to flow, I have always found comfort in taking a pen to a piece of paper and allow the ink to give life to something incredible with every movement of my fingers (or in this case, the flow of my taps on the keys in front of me).

After being freed from my undergraduate career a few months ago and obtaining my long sought after Bachelor of Arts in English, I have decided to create this blog so I can actually write something for myself, rather than for my professors, some of which required a ridiculous amount of analyzing and writing.  Whether I was critiquing "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," fighting with "Beowulf," or becoming entrapped within the text of Sarah Ruhl's "Passion Play," I have spent the past four years writing for others, with no chance of expressing myself.

As life progresses, I will use this blog to write!  Whether you'll be reading my thoughts, charities that I have fallen in love with, hearing about the play I am currently working on, or just whatever I feel like writing down, this blog will become my way of expressing myself to the world.  You might find some entertainment from the stories I decide to write down, or even become inspired by the charity work I am doing, or that others are doing.  You might even, if you choose, be able to track the progress of the play I am currently working on.  If you have the time, why not follow me?  You'll never know what you will walk away with.  :-)

I guess that's enough for my introduction for now.  Anyway, hey world, it's me!